SCI/E Papers published

  1. Zhang, K., Tamakloe, R., Cao, M., Kim, I. (2024). Exploring fatal/severe pedestrian injury crash frequency at school zone crash hotspots: using interpretable machine learning to assess the micro-level street environment. Journal of Transport Geography, 121, 104034. Read it here!

  2. Oh, T., Lim, J., Tamakloe, R., Li, Z., & Kim, I. (2024). Enhancing mutual understanding of e-scooter user’s perspective in overtaking maneuver through replaying own driving trajectory. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 207, 107750. Read it here!

  3. Tamakloe, R., & Caesar, L. D. (2024). Decoding the patterns of critical factor associations driving electric vehicle recommendations. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 187, 104171. Read it here!

  4. Chengula, T. J., Kutela, B., Novat, N., Shita, H., Kinero, A., Tamakloe, R., & Kasomi, S. (2024). Spatial instability of crash prediction models: A case of scooter crashes. Machine Learning with Applications, 17, 100574. Read it here!

  5. Tamakloe, R., Lee, J., & Park, D. (2024). Efficiency variations of integrated urban transit stations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from a Mega-City without pandemic lockdown measures. Cities, 152, 105196 Read it here!

  6. Tamakloe, R., Zhang, K., & Kim, I. (2024). Temporal instability of the determinants of fatal/severe elderly pedestrian injury outcomes in intersections and non-intersections before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 205, 107676 Read it here!

  7. Tamakloe, R., & Adanu, E. K. (2024). Critical patterns associated with vehicle-pedestrian hit-and-run casualty injury severity under different weather conditions: An association rule mining approach. IATSS Research. Read it here!

  8. Adanu, E. K., Tamakloe, R., Dzinyela, R., & Agyemang, W. (2024). Assessing the factors associated with pedestrian injury severity in hit-and-run crashes in Ghana. Transportation Letters, 1-11. Read it here!

  9. Caesar, L. D., & Tamakloe, R. (2024). Unraveling the patterns of critical contributory factors and flag-state affiliations linked with maritime incident outcomes. Marine Policy, 163, 106135. Read it here!

  10. Tamakloe, R., Zhang, K., Hossain, A., Kim, I., & Park, S. H. (2024). Critical risk factors associated with fatal/severe crash outcomes in personal mobility device rider at-fault crashes: A two-step inter-cluster rule mining technique. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 199, 107527. Read it here!

  11. Tamakloe, R., Zhang, K., Atandzi, J., & Park, D. (2024). Examining urban delivery service user-profiles and determinants of drone delivery adoption in Ghana considering usage before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Transport Policy, 146, 279-294. Read it here!

  12. Tamakloe, R., Adanu, E. K., Atandzi, J., Das, S., Lord, D., & Park, D. (2023). Stability of factors influencing walking-along-the-road pedestrian injury severity outcomes under different lighting conditions: a random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in means and out-of-sample predictions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 193, 107333 Read it here!

  13. Das, S., Dutta, A., Tamakloe, R., & Khan, M. N. (2023). Analyzing the time-varying patterns of contributing factors in work zone-related crashes. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. Read it here!

  14. Tamakloe, R., Subasish, D., Adanu, E.K., and Park, D. (2023) Key factors affecting motorcycle-barrier crash severity: an innovative cluster-regression technique. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. Read it here!

  15. Tamakloe, R., Park, D. (2023) Discovering latent topics and trends in autonomous vehicle-related research: A structural topic modelling approach. Transport Policy. Read it here!

  16. Tamakloe, R. (2023). Risk Factors Influencing Fatal Powered Two-Wheeler At-Fault and Not-at-Fault Crashes: An Application of Spatio-Temporal Hotspot and Association Rule Mining Techniques. Informatics. Read it here!

  17. Das, S., Tamakloe, R., Zubaidi, H., Obaid, I., & Rahman, M. A. (2023). Bicyclist injury severity classification using a random parameter logit model. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. Read it here!

  18. Zubaidi, H., Tamakloe, R., Al-Bdairi, N. S. S., Alnedawi, A., & Obaid, I. (2022). Exploring senior motorcyclist injury severity crashes: Random parameter model with heterogeneity in mean and variance. IATSS Research. Read it here!

  19. Tamakloe, R., & Park, D. (2022). Factors influencing fatal vehicle-involved crash consequence metrics at spatio-temporal hotspots in South Korea: application of GIS and machine learning techniques. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 1-35. Read it here!

  20. Tamakloe, R., Hong, J., Kim, J., & Park, D. (2022). Factors affecting fatal PTW at-fault crash outcome metrics at intersections and non-intersections in South Korea. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-36. Read it here!

  21. Das, S., Tamakloe, R., Kutela, B., & Hossain, A. (2022). Pattern recognition from injury severity types of frontage roadway crashes. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-22. Read it here!

  22. Tamakloe, R., Sam, E. F., Bencekri, M., Das, S., & Park, D. (2022). Mining groups of factors influencing bus/minibus crash severities on poor pavement condition roads considering different lighting status. Traffic injury prevention, 1-7. Read it here!

  23. Obaid, I., Alnedawi, A., Aboud, G. M., Tamakloe, R., Zuabidi, H., & Das, S. (2022). Factors associated with driver injury severity of motor vehicle crashes on sealed and unsealed pavements: Random parameter model with heterogeneity in means and variances. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. Read it here!

  24. Tamakloe R., Park, D., Chan, H. (2022). Discovering research topics, trends, and perspectives in COVID-19-related transportation journal articles. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 1-29. Read it here!

  25. Tamakloe R., Das, S., Aidoo E. N., Park, D. (2022). A data mining approach to discovering the chains of factors affecting motorcycle crash casualty severity at signalized and non-signalized intersections in a developing country. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 165, 106517. Read it here!

  26. Tamakloe R., Lim, S., Sam, E. F., Park, S. H., Park, D. (2021). Investigating factors affecting bus/minibus accident severity in a developing country for different subgroup datasets characterized by time, pavement, and light conditions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 159, 106268. Read it here!

  27. Tamakloe, R., Hong, J., Tak, J., & Park, D. (2021). Finding evacuation routes using traffic and network structure information. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 95, 102853. Read it here!

  28. Tamakloe, R., Hong, J., & Tak, J. (2021). Determinants of transit-oriented development efficiency focusing on an integrated subway, bus, and shared-bicycle system: Application of Simar-Wilson’s two-stage approach. Cities, 108, 102988. Read it here!

  29. Das, S., Tamakloe, R., Zubaidi, H., Obaid, I., & Alnedawi, A. (2021). Fatal pedestrian crashes at intersections: Trend mining using association rules. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 160, 106306. Read it here!

  30. Tamakloe, R., Hong, J., & Park, D. (2020). A copula-based approach for jointly modeling crash severity and number of vehicles involved in express bus crashes on expressways considering temporal stability of data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 146, 105736. Read it here!

  31. Tamakloe, R., & Hong, J. (2020). Assessing the efficiency of integrated public transit stations based on the concept of transit-oriented development. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(3), 1459-1489. Read it here!

  32. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., & Park, D. (2020). Application of association rules mining algorithm for hazardous materials transportation crashes on expressway. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 142, 105497. Read it here!

  33. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., Tak, J., & Park, D. (2020). Two-Stage Double Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis for Efficiency Evaluation of Shared-Bicycle Stations in Urban Cities. Transportation Research Record, 2674(6), 211-224. Read it here!

  34. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., & Park, D. (2020). Discovering insightful rules among truck crash characteristics using Apriori algorithm. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020. Read it here!

  35. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., Lee, G., & Park, D. (2019). Insight from scientific study in logistics using text mining. Transportation research record, 2673(4), 97-107. Read it here!

  36. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., Park, D., & Choi, Y. (2019). Estimating incident duration considering the unobserved heterogeneity of risk factors for trucks transporting HAZMAT on expressways. Transportation Research Record, 2673(2), 232-242. Read it here!

  37. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., Lee, S., & Park, D. (2019). Exploring the topological characteristics of complex public transportation networks: focus on variations in both single and integrated systems in the Seoul metropolitan area. Sustainability, 11(19), 5404. Read it here!

  38. Hong, J., Tamakloe, R., & Park, D. (2019). A comprehensive analysis of multi-vehicle crashes on expressways: a double hurdle approach. Sustainability, 11(10), 2782. Read it here!

Papers under review


Invited talks

New York University, New York, USA (25 July 2024): Leveraging artificial intelligence to improve safety for personal mobility device users.

New York University, New York, USA (23 July 2024): Can we improve the efficiency of public transport systems by integrating shared autonomous shuttles into them?

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea (12 October 2023): Discovering the factors influencing shared autonomous vehicle adoption: A cross-group analysis considering local ride-sharing access and historical usage experience.

Conference Presentations

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Investigating the Performance of Integrated Transit Stations: A Comparative Study in a Mega-City Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Discovering the Factors Influencing Shared Autonomous Vehicle Adoption: A Cross-Group Analysis Considering Local Ridesharing Access and Historical Experience

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Understanding Consumers Prioritizing Incentives in Electric Vehicle Purchases: Identifying Patterns for Effective Policy Strategies

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Uncovering Individual Heterogeneity in Pedestrian Crash Severity with Mixed Logit Models

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Investigating Critical Factor Associations Affecting Injury Severity Outcomes of Passengers Falling from Moving Vehicles

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Investigating Crashes Occurred at School Zones Using Random Parameter Ordered Probit Model

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2024, Washington DC, USA: Patterns of Critical Factors Linked to Automated Vehicle–Involved Crashes: A Comparative Analysis of Intersection and Non-Intersection Crash Scenarios

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2023, Washington DC, USA: Qualitative Analysis of Urban Air Mobility as a Disruptive Technology

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2023, Washington DC, USA: Perceptions of Drone Delivery Adoption in Ghana Considering Online Delivery Usage Before and After the Incidence of the COVID-19 Pandemic

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2023, Washington DC, USA: Risk Factors Affecting Motorcycle-Barrier Crashes and Injury Severities: Insights from an Innovative Cluster-Regression Technique

• KITS International Conference 2022, ICC Jeju: How different are researcher perspectives regarding COVID-19 and transportation?

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2022, Washington DC, USA: Investigating Chains of Risk Factors Influencing Fatal Powered Two-Wheeler Crashes at Spatio-Temporal Hotspot Locations in South Korea

• Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting - 2022, Washington DC, USA: Investigating Chains of Factors Influencing Motorcycle Crash Casualty Severity at Signalized and Non-Signalized Intersections in a Developing Country

• The Korean Transportation Conference, Jeju JDC Conference Center: A machine learning approach to identifying factors influencing motorcycle crashes at critical hotspot locations

• The Korean Transportation Conference, online: Dynamic network topology-based evacuation routing in disaster situations

• The 2019 Korean Institute of ITS Conference, St. John’s Hotel, Gangneung, South Korea: An Application of Simar-Wilson Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis to Investigate the Efficiency of Shared-Bicycle Stations in Seoul

• 26th ITS World Congress, Suntec Conference Center, Suntec, Singapore: Assessing the impacts of Land Use on Subway Ridership: Identifying a Suitable Sustainable Transport Policy

• The 2019 Korean Institute of ITS Conference, Halla Convention center, Cheju Halla University, Jeju, South Korea: Topological Analysis of Multimodal Transportation Network in Seoul Based on Graph-Based Methods

• The 2018 Korean Institute of ITS Conference, The Genesis Building, Kyungsung University, Busan, South Korea: Comparing the characteristics of multivehicle crashes using Cragg’s double-hurdle regression model

• The 13th UC-US-KU-TU International Joint Seminar, China and France Center, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

• The 2018 Korean Institute of ITS Conference, Halla Convention center, Cheju Halla University, Jeju, South Korea: A Study for Conditional Mixed Process Model of Bus-related Crashes on Expressway

Journals Reviewed For

• Accident Analysis and Prevention

• Transport Policy

• Cities

• Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

• Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

• Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

• Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

• Journal of Transport Geography

• Travel Behaviour and Society

• Case Studies on Transport Policy

• Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives

• IATSS Research

• Transportmetrica A: Transport Science

• Traffic Injury Prevention

• Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board

• KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering

• International Journal of Urban Sciences

• International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

Volunteering Activities

New Student Mentoring Volunteer – International Student Office, University of Seoul

Organizing Secretary – Ghanaian Students in Korea and Associates - GHASKA, South Korea

University Representative (University of Seoul) – Ghanaian Students in Korea and Associates, South Korea

Leader, Program Planning Team – Ghana Association of Statistics Students, University of Ghana

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